Soap bars are fun, elegant, natural and eco-friendly. Quality, small-batch bar soap made from scratch with premium raw ingredients feed your skin with nutrient dense oils and naturally occurring glycerin. It also lasts long!
Made with lots of love without palm oil. This is a vegan cold process soap from pure skin loving ingredients.
Rohelise savi ja meresoolaga SEASCAPE pakub aroomiteraapilist reisi türkiissinise vahemere äärde, kus taamal pakatab õhk just valminud sidrunitest, õitsvast rosmariinist ja tummisest seedripuust. Dušiseebi vaht on tihe ja kreemine, sobib hästi ka raseerimiseks.
Use this soap for hand wash or showering. Rinse well. Keep the soap dry between washes.
A simple how to for hand-wash:
1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Put away soap. Scrub for at least 20 seconds – the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
3. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
4. Dry your hands using a clean towel.
Voila, clean hands!
Väldi silma sattumist. Kui seep satub suhu või silma, loputa hoolikalt jooksva vee all. Seep võib limaskesti ärritada. Ära iialgi kasuta seepi looduslikes veekogudes. Pesuained lõhuvad vee pindpinevust ning vähendavad hapnikutaset vees, kahjustades kalu ja muid vee-elustiku vorme. Pesuained hävitavad ka vee-elanike välise limakihi, mis kaitseb neid bakterite ja parasiitide eest.
Sodium Ricebranate, Sodium Sheabutterate, Sodium Cocoate, Aqua, Glycerine, Sodium Avocadoate, Sodium Castorate, Sodium Cocoabutterate, Aroma, Sodium Chloride, Illite, Kaolin, Montmorillonite, Sodium Stearate, Limonene*, Citral* *sisaldub naturaalselt eeterlikes õlides
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