In the soap workshop, you will get to know cold process soap. You will learn about the role of different butters and oils in soap, the pH of natural soap, which functional additives to choose and what you can use to decorate your soap and for perfuming.
Kasutame nii looduslikke koostisosi, kui spetsiaalseid värvipigmente ja aroomõlisid oma seebi värvimiseks ja lõhnastamiseks. Räägime, kuidas seebi pH mõjutab sinu töö tulemust ning mida silmas pidada käsitööseebi valmistamisel. Tulemuseks armsalt värviline ja hästi lõhnav külmprotsess-seep.
In this workshop you can hone your skills and experiment with different techniques, colors and scents in cold process soap. You can go regularly to test new additives, colors and scents for the kind of soap you've seen on the internet! That way, you don't have to immediately stock up on all the accessories and raw materials at home or clean up and wash the dishes later 🙂
PS! Vali ostu vormistades pakiterminal, kuhu peale seebi vormis tahenemist selle saadame. Töötuba toimub minimaalselt neljale osalejale.
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